Sweet Cabin Life


No matter the season, this is my favorite spot here at the cabin. Spring is finally here and the trees have filled with leaves of every shade of green and the flowers are in full bloom. Everything feels so alive this time of year. The deer are out every evening eating grass in the field. The Bald Eagle flies low up and down the creek in search of dinner. The Canadian geese are busy herding tiny balls of fluff back and forth across the yard and baby rabbits seem to be everywhere.

We love to sit out here and drink our morning coffee or an evening glass of iced tea and just watch and listen to the busy world of nature around us. It is so calming to be swayed by the gently back and forth of the rocker and the sounds of the earth. 

We have been rocking together for a lot of years. We married at eighteen and now we are pushing sixty. We used to tease we were sitting here growing old together. Now, after 41 years, we’ve just about done that already. Hopefully, God willing, we will be rocking and enjoying our incredible view together for many more years to come. 

If you get a chance, stop by & sit a spell. If we don’t answer the door, you can find us in the rockers out back. We’ll have the iced tea and an empty rocker waiting on you. See you soon!



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