Sweet Cabin Life


In a few days fall will officially be here signally the end of summer. Some of our trees have already began to change colors. In the woods and along the creek we are starting to see reds, oranges and golds replacing leaves of green.  I continue to water and fertilize my flowers, trying to squeeze out a few more weeks before I have to empty the pots and store them away until next year.

Summer was good to use again this year. Our kids and grandkids visited to fish, swim,  feed the deer, ride the Gator and eat tons of grilled and smoked foods. We played games on the deck and let off fireworks and sparklers when the sun went down. The guys golfed while us girls rocked on the deck and watched the kids run around chasing butterflies and dogs. They were hot, sunny days that provided new framed photos and cherished memories.

As every summer, we worked hard. We mowed, mulched, weeded, planted and harvested. The pantry is again stocked, the shelves lined with jars of pickles, jellies, sauces and vegetables. The freezer is stuffed and the wood has been cut, stacked and dried for the cold days of winter that will be here too soon. Our days are still hot but the nights and early mornings are already getting cooler signally the end of summertime.

Fall will be here soon.





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